Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesdays are half-priced wine night and I love it

This conversation happened a while ago, but lucky for you, I saved it. Dave was at work one weekend while I spent the entire day cleaning our messy apartment, unpacking more boxes, running errands and doing laundry. I was a domestic maniac and it was very weird.

Still, I was impressed with myself and felt that Dave should be impressed too.

Me: Your jaw is going to drop when you see how clean this place is.

Dave: Really?! I'm excited.

Me: Except for the storage stuff in the corner, it doesn't look like we just moved in anymore.

Dave: Awesome.

Me: It is.

Dave: My little housewife.
Dave: I hope there are cookies ready.
Dave: That's part of it too. You know that I hope.

Me: I forgot the cookies.

Dave: I mean, now that your name is almost officially changed, that's when it all changes.
Dave: That's when I get wasted with the guys on Wednesday, come home at midnight and expect hot food.

Me: You retard.

Dave: Wait.
Dave: That's what you do on Tuesdays.
Dave: Nevermind.

Me: Touche.


Laurie Stark said...

You guys are the best couple ever. For reals.

Marie said...

So was your hair perfectly coiffed and you were wearing an apron with a 1950s dress on while you did all the cleaning? I hope you also had a martini glass in your hand. Or wine.

Brick Cedar said...

How fucking amazing would it be though if you did come home Tuesday nights to baked cookies????

Lisa said...

Overcoat: Hardly. How this man puts up with me, I'll never know. ;-)

Marie: Close! My hair was in a pony tail, I was in sweats and I hadn't showered. So, yeah, really attractive.

Brick Cedar: Um, I would LOVE to come home to baked cookies!!! Yell at Dave for me. Maybe he'd listen to a brother in bond. Even though I *technically* have bond over you. HA.

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